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International Journals
Development and characteristics of persistent mode in HTS magnet
posted 2017-03-29 17:55:26

Jung Ho Kim, Jun Hyung Lim, Jinho Joo, Seyong Choi, Se-Hee Lee, Wansoo Nah, Hyoungku Kang, and Tae Kuk Ko, ¡°Development and characteristics of persistent mode in HTS magnet,¡± PHYSICA C, Vol. 412-414, Part 2, pp. 1026-1029, October 2004.



We fabricated a high-temperature superconducting (HTS) magnet with a persistent current switch (PCS) and evaluated the decay characteristics of persistent mode and joint resistance at 77 K. To make the HTS magnet, BSCCO(2223) tapes were wound into a double-pancake coil and connected to the PCS by soldering. Field decay behavior was remarkably dependent on operating current. At an operating current of 50% of the critical current (Ic), decay behavior showed two distinct regimes: initial fast decay and subsequent linear decay. By contrast, there was a linear decay regime of only 13% of Ic. Total circuit resistance was approximately 2.0 ¡¿ 10−8 ¥Ø at an operating current of 6 A. Measured decay behavior was closely consistent with the calculated decay behavior obtained from both the index resistance and joint resistance components.