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International Journals
2017-Evaluation of Mechanical Deformation and Distributive Magnetic Loads with Different Mechanical Constraints in Two Parallel Conducting Bars
posted 2019-08-25 18:41:55

Ho-Young Lee and Se-Hee Lee, "Evaluation of Mechanical Deformation and Distributive Magnetic Loads with Different Mechanical Constraints in Two Parallel Conducting Bars", JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY, VOL. 71, NO. 4, AUGUST 2017, PP. 203~208.


Mechanical deformation, bending deformation, and distributive magnetic loads were evaluated numerically and experimentally for conducting materials excited with high current. Until now, many research works have extensively studied the area of magnetic force and mechanical deformation by using coupled approaches such as multiphysics solvers. In coupled analysis for magnetoelastic problems, some articles and commercial software have presented the resultant mechanical deformation and stress on the body. To evaluate the mechanical deformation, the Lorentz force density method (LZ) and the Maxwell stress tensor method (MX) have been widely used for conducting materials. However, it is difficult to find any experimental verification regarding mechanical deformation or bending deformation due to magnetic force density. Therefore, we compared our numerical results to those from experiments with two parallel conducting bars to verify our numerical setup for bending deformation. Before showing this, the basic and interesting coupled simulation was conducted to test the mechanical  eformations by the LZ (body force density) and the MX (surface force density) methods. This resulted in MX gave the same total force as LZ, but the local force distribution in MX introduced an incorrect mechanical deformation in the simulation of a solid conductor.