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International Journals
Magnetic Fluid Behavior in Uniform DC, AC, and Rotating Magnetic Fields
posted 2017-03-29 18:00:19

Rhodes S., X. He, S. Elborai, S.-H. Lee, and M. Zahn, ¡°Magnetic Fluid Behavior in Uniform DC, AC, and Rotating Magnetic Fields,¡± Journal of Electrostatics, 2006.



New flows and instabilities are demonstrated for magnetic fluids and by dual analogy to dielectric fluids. If a fluid drop is contained in a thin gap between two glass plates (Hele–Shaw cell) with a simultaneously applied in-plane rotating field and a DC axial field, smooth spirals or an abrupt transformation to many small droplets can occur. A preliminary minimum magnetization and surface energy analysis is presented to model the abrupt transformation in ferrofluids. An analysis of effective DC magnetoviscosity is also presented for planar Couette flow with an applied uniform DC field transverse to a duct axis with the effective magnetoviscosity and flow spin velocity calculated as a function of field strength. Related Couette viscometer measurements of ferrofluid viscosity show zero and negative magnetoviscosity values for rotating magnetic fields.