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Ferrofluid Spiral Formations and Continuous to Discrete Phase Transitions Under Simultaneously Applied DC Axial and AC In-plane Rotating Magnetic Fields
posted 2017-03-29 17:56:20

Rhodes, S.E., J.A. Perez, S.M. Elborai, S-H. Lee, and M. Zahn. ¡°Ferrofluid Spiral Formations and Continuous to Discrete Phase Transitions Under Simultaneously Applied DC Axial and AC In-plane Rotating Magnetic Fields,¡± Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Vol. 289, pp. 353-355, 2005.



New flows and instabilities are presented for a ferrofluid drop contained in glass Hele-Shaw cells with simultaneously applied in-plane clockwise rotating and DC axial uniform magnetic fields. When a ferrofluid drop is stressed by a uniform DC axial magnetic field, up to ¡­250 G in 0.9–1.4 mm gap Hele-Shaw cells, the drop forms a labyrinth pattern. With subsequent application of an in-plane uniform rotating magnetic field, up to ¡­100 G rms at frequency 20–40 Hz, smooth spirals form from viscous shear due to ferrofluid flow. If the rotating magnetic field is applied first, the drop is held together without a labyrinth. Gradual increase of the DC axial magnetic field, to a critical magnetic field value, results in an abrupt phase transformation from a large drop to many small discrete droplets. A preliminary minimum magnetization and surface energy analysis is presented to model the phase transformation.