Technical Communication /
Technical Communication
Help with Technical and Scientific Writing
posted 2016-10-06 10:34:33

  1. Control-Click any of the ¡°Click to Download¡± links above and select ¡°Download link to disc¡± (IE) or ¡°Save this link as¡± (Netscape).
  2. For Mac OS9 or earlier users, save the file here: Microsoft Office > Templates
  3. For Mac OSX users, save the file here: Microsoft Office > Templates > My Templates
  4. For Mac OS9 or earlier users, when you want to create a new letter, open Microsoft Word and select ¡°New¡± from the top menu bar. In the box that appears you should see your new RLE template. Select the template you want to use and click ¡°OK.¡±
  5. For Mac OSX users, when you want to create a new letter, open Microsoft Word and select ¡°New¡± and then ¡°Project Gallery¡± from the top menu bar. In the box that appears click on the ¡°My Templates¡± link and you should see your new RLE template. Select the template you want to use and click ¡°OK.¡±
  6. To change the Word Stationery Template, open the document in Word and from the top menu bar click ¡°View¡± and then ¡°Header and Footer.¡± You will then be able to edit your contact information.
File #1 img_ex1.jpg (size : 350.5693359375 Kbyte)    Download : 195